Call for Papers
Computers reside at the heart of systems on which people now rely, both in critical national infrastructures and in their homes, cars, and offices. Today, many of these systems are far too vulnerable to cyber attacks that can inhibit their operation, corrupt valuable data, or expose private information. Future systems will include sensors and computers everywhere, exacerbating the attainment of security and privacy. Current security practices largely address current and known threats, but there is a need for research to take account of future threats.
We encourage contributions describing innovative work on WAIS. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Security of next generation Operating Systems
- Secure and resilient network protocols
- Theoretical foundations and mechanisms for privacy, security, trust
- Human computer interface for security functions
- Vulnerabilities of existing protocols and applications
- Key distribution/management
- Intrusion detection and response
- Secure protocol configuration and deployment
- Improved ability to certify system security properties
- Improved ability to analyze security designs, build systems correctly
- More effective system monitoring, anomaly detection, attack recognition and defense
- Integrating hardware and software for security
For further information, please contact the workshop co-chairs.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2017
Authors Notification: April 15, 2017
Author Registration: April 25, 2017
Final Manuscript: April 25, 2017
Conference Dates: July 10-12, 2017