Keynote Speaker

Prof. Pierluigi Ritrovato
University of Salerno, Italy
Title: Knowledge Building with Semantic Schema in Enterprise: the ARISTOTELE Approach
The wealth of European companies has progressively shifted from tangible assets (capital, resources) into intangible ones like knowledge, competency, reputation, innovation processes, motivation. Intangibles are closely related the natural interactions occurring normally in work practices. This is where ideas, innovation, learning, knowledge (in all its various forms), relationships, social cohesion, synergistically contribute to performance, competition differentiators and value creation. Creativity and innovation inside organisations are directly related to the way people learn (informally and/or formally), collaborate, share ideas and experience. The support of these activities within the Enterprise it is provided by several tools and environments. This doesn't help to capture and elicitate the possible intangible assets. Even in the case where some pieces of knowledge could be extracted and captured we have the problem to provide them with a useful meaning through formalization with respect to working context (i.e. correlate them to organizational processes, objectives, tasks). The aim of this invited speech is to present the methodologies for knowledge building developed in the context of ARISTOTELE, a European Integrated Project. The methodologies for knowledge building are used for extracting tacit knowledge and using ontology matching and merging approaches to conceptualise it, with respect to models that exploit semantic web schemas (SIOC, SKOS, FOAF, MOAT, etc.) for representing different enterprise aspects like competency, worker profile, learning experience, enterprise assets.
Pierluigi Ritrovato is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at University of Salerno. In the last five years, he has been focusing his scientific research on Adaptive Learning Management Systems, Knowledge Management and Semantic Web, Grid technologies for business and Service Oriented Architecture. The research activities has been carried out in the context of international research projects funded by the European Commission like ARISTOTELE (Personalized Learning & Collaborative Working Environments Fostering Social Creativity and Innovations Inside the Organizations 2010-2013 with role of technical manager), ELeGI (European Learning GRID Infrastructure - with the role of Scientific Coordinator; the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence ( as coordinator of the Learning GRID Special Interest Group, NEXOF-RA (NESSI Open Framework - ReferenceArchitecture He has been Appointed by the European Commission as Locomotors, together with the United State counterpart for the "eLearning Futures and the Learning GRID" Working Group established in the frame of EU-US Cooperation programme on Science and Technologies for Learning. He has been member of the Steering Committee of the NESSI (Networked European Software & Service Initiative - 2007-2009) European Technology Platform ( He is editor of the books "Towards the Learning Grid: Advances in Human Learning Services" and "The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications" both published by IOS Press.