Seventh International Workshop on Frontiers in Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (FCISIS-2013)
July 3-5, 2013, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
To be held in conjunction with the Seventh CISIS-2013 International Conference
The objective of FCISIS Workshop is to foster the discussion in a rich inter-disciplinary context
of the three challenging areas of ICT-enabled applications: Software Intensive Systems,
Complex Systems and Intelligent Systems.
Topics of Interest
- Parallel Computing
- Database and Data Mining Applications
- Artificial Intelligence and Agent Technology
- Multimedia Systems and Virtual Reality
- Systems for Biological and Medical Applications
- E-Learning and Groupware Systems
- Wireless Sensor, Ad Hoc, and Mesh Networks
- P2P & Grid Data Technologies
- Semantic Web, Web Services and Data Integration
- Autonomic Computing and Communication
- Socially Inspired and Computational Intelligence
- Security and Trusted Computing
- Adaptive and Evolvable Human Computer Interaction Interfaces
- Energy Aware Computational Science/Management
- Complex Systems and Software Modeling and Analytics
- Consideration of Software Intensive Systems as Complex
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: December 15, 2012
- Authors Notification: February 15, 2013
- Final Manuscript: March 15, 2013
- Author Registration: March 15, 2013
- Conference Dates: July 3-5, 2013