Keynote Speakers
Keynote I

Prof. Yoshihiro Okada
Title: 3D Graphics Applications for Education and Visualization
In this talk, Prof. Okada introduces his research activities about 3D graphics applications. He has been studying development environments for 3D graphics applications since 1993. In 1995, he and his laboratory professor proposed a development system for 3D graphics applications called IntelligentBox. In the first half of this talk, he introduces IntelligentBox and its several example applications especially for education and visualization. As education applications, there are a collaborative dental training system, Tai Chi-based physical therapy game and so on. As visualization applications, there are a room layout system, Time-tunnel: a visual analytics tool for multi-dimensional data, Treecube: a visualization tool for browsing 3D multimedia data, and so on. Currently, Prof. Okada works as a director of ICER(Innovation Center for Educational Resources) of Kyushu University. In the second half of this talk, he introduces development activities of ICER for e-learning materials using 3D graphics and VR/AR, e.g., web-based interactive educational materials for Japanese history and IoT security, and serious games for medical education.
Yoshihiro Okada is a Professor of ICER(Innovation Center for Educational Resources), University Library of Kyushu University, Japan. He received his doctorate of Engineering from Hokkaido University, Japan in 1993. After that, he worked as a Research Associate at Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University. He was an Associate Professor of Computer Center, Kyushu University, Japan since 1999 and an Associate Professor of Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University since April, 2000. He obtained his current position in 2013. He has been a director of ICER since April, 2015 and a vice-director of Cybersecurity center of Kyushu University since 2017. Currently, his research interests include 3D Graphics, HCI, VR/AR, network collaboration, educational material development and cybersecurity.
Keynote II

Prof. Tarek Saadawi
Title: Secure Resilient Edge Cloud Designed Network
IoT systems have put forth new requirements in all aspects of their existence: a diverse QoS requirements, resiliency of computing and connectivity, and the scalability to support massive number of end devices in a plethora of envisioned applications. The trustworthy IoT/cyber physical system (CPS) networking for smart and connected communities will be realized by distributed secure resilient Edge Cloud (EC). This distributed EC system will be a network of geographically distributed EC nodes, brokering between end-devices and Backend Cloud (BC) servers. This paper addresses three main topics in secure resilient cloud designed network; 1) resource management in mobile cloud computing; 2) information management in dynamic distributed databases; 3) biological-inspired intrusion detection system (IDS). A focus in the presentation will be on the biological-inspired (IDS).
TAREK SAADAWI has been with the City University of New York, City College (CCNY), since 1980, where he currently directs the Center of Information Networking and Telecommunications (CINT) at CCNY. His current areas of research are cyber security, intrusion detection systems with applications to smart grid and autonomous systems, and blockchain. Dr. Saadawi is a Former Chairman of IEEE Computer Society of New York City. He has received IEEE Region-1 Award.
Keynote III

Prof. JongWon Kim
Title: Container-leveraged Service Realization Challenges for Cloud-native Computing
Cloud-native computing, employing container-based microservices architecture, is accelerating its adoption for agile and scalable service deployment over worldwide multi-cloud infrastructure. In order to transparently enable diversified inter-connections for container-based cloud-native computing, by leveraging SDN/NFV technology, we need to tie distributed IoT things through multi-site edge clouds to hyper-scale core clouds. Thus, in this talk, we first attempt to relate the open-source-driven development for CNI (Container Networking Interface) and CSI (Container Storage Interface) to the required container-enabled cloud-native computing/storage with end-to-end (i.e., IoT--SDN/NFV--Cloud) inter-connections. Then, selected container-leveraged service realization challenges such as multi-tenant/multi-cluster Kubernetes orchestration, pvc(physical+virtual+containerized) harmonization, kernel-friendly accelerated and secured networking, and network-aware service meshes will be briefly discussed.
Dr. JongWon Kim received Ph.D. degree in Control and Instrumentation Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1994. In 1994-1999, he was with the Department of Electronics Engineering at the KongJu National University, KongJu, Korea, as an Assistant Professor. From 1997 to 2001, he was visiting the Signal & Image Processing Institute (SIPI) of Electrical Engineering - Systems Department at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, where he has served as a Research Assistant Professor since Dec. 1998. From Sept. 2001, he has joined Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea, where he is now working as a Professor and directing GIST SCENT (Super Computing cENTer). Also, with Networked Computing Systems Lab. (renamed from Networked Media Lab.) established in Sept. 2001, he has been researching networked media systems and services under the slogan of “Dynamic & resource-aware composition of media-centric services employing programmable/virtualized resources”.