Cyber Physical Artwork Design Using IoTtalk
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to connecting devices to each other through the Internet. Most IoT systems manage physical devices (such as Apple watches and Google glasse). In this talk we propose the concept of cyber IoT devices that are computer animation. An example is “Dandelion Mirror” that is cyber physical integration merging the virtual and physical worlds. In other words, it is a cyber-physical system (CPS) integrating computation, networking and physical process. We use IoTtalk, an IoT device management platform to develop cyber physical IoT applications. IoTtalk connects input devices (such as heart beat rate sensor) to flexibly interact with the cyber devices. We show how IoTtalk can easily accommodate cyber IoT devices such as a ball motion in animation, and how one can use a mobile phone (physical device) to control a flower growing in animation (cyber debice) and a physical pendulum guide the swing of a cyber pendulum.
Yi-Bing Lin received his Bachelor’s degree from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, in 1983, and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington, USA, in 1990. From 1990 to 1995 he was a Research Scientist with Bellcore (Telcordia). He then joined the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Taiwan, where he remains. In 2011, Lin became the Vice President of NCTU. Since 2014, Lin has been appointed as the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. After 2016, he become a lifetime Chair Professor of NCTU.
Lin is also an Adjunct Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, and a member of board of directors, Chunghwa Telecom. He serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. He is General or Program Chair for prestigious conferences including ACM MobiCom 2002. He is Guest Editor for several journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers. Lin is the author of the books Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture (Wiley, 2001), Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks (John Wiley,2005), and Charging for Mobile All-IP Telecommunications (Wiley, 2008). Lin received numerous research awards including 2005 NSC Distinguished Researcher, 2006 Academic Award of Ministry of Education and 2008 Award for Outstanding contributions in Science and Technology, Executive Yuen, 2011 National Chair Award, and TWAS Prize in Engineering Sciences, 2011 (The World Academy of Sciences). He is in the advisory boards or the review boards of various government organizations including Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Lin is AAAS Fellow, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and IET Fellow.
An Indoor Location Analytics System for Exhibition and Convention Industries in a Smart & Open
For the past 40 years, the advance in computing has gone from traditional computation and
data processing to location-based applications & services for pervasive/ubiquitous computing. Together
with the advancement in networking, IoT, and Big Data Analysis, we are all projecting that we are about to
get into a new era of computing by the concept of Ubiquitous Intelligent Community years – Smart City.
In Hong Kong, we agreed that a Smart City should emphasis on leveraging Information and Communications Technology to enhance the efficiency of a city’s systems, operations and services. But we also
want to add user-centric and the degree of openness to the available services and data such that a Smart &
Open City shall leverage human and social capital to facilitate the sustainable growth of the community and
improve the quality of living. Hence, for the first part of the talk, we will describe the Smart City Projects
and The Open City initiatives in Hong Kong. And in the latter part, we will talk about our recent research
and development, under the Smart City framework, in merging two of the more important technologies –
localization & tracking and big data analysis and put into practical use.
In the exhibition and convention industry, the more information and data you have about the visitor, the
more likely you will succeed in your marketing strategy. And thus, the Indoor Location Analytics System
(ILAS) is developed for better matchmaking between buyers and exhibitors in the exhibition industry. ILAS
consists of 3 major components: 1) an indoor positioning system which use both Wifi-based and Mobile
network based approaches to identify visitors’ location information, 2) a backend analytics system which
combines the content-based recommendation and collaborative filtering approach for robust identification
of visitors’ preference for enabling value-added services provisioning, and 3) a mobile apps allowing the
system to communicate with the visitors to provide a just-in-time and personalized information according to
the visitors’ current location. The proposed system adds values and opportunities to different stakeholders
in the Exhibition and Convention Industry. On one hand, reducing the matchmaking cost between the
buyers and exhibitors can enhance their levels of satisfaction. Also, based on the collected data, the backend
analytics system can analyze the visitor flow patterns to provide decision support to the exhibition organizers
for better venue design and booth pricing strategy. Furthermore, the introducing of “Femtocell” technology
in the proposed solution allows seamless transition of mobile basestations from outdoor to indoor. It not
only improve the positioning accuracy, but also opens up an opportunity to link up with mobile service
providers for new business models like mobile advertisement and marketing.