Conference Venue
The conferences will be held at the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB).
FURB is located in the city of Blumenau, in the south Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, a city famous for its German cultural heritage. It is surrounded by lush vegetation and washed by a gentle river called the Itajaí-Açu.
Near the coast and great urban centres such as the capital cities of Florianópolis and Curitiba, the city has already been cited by the United Nations as among the 15 cities offering the best quality of life in Brazil.
Blumenau has more than 300 thousand inhabitants and is one of the principal tourist sites in the south of Brazil, along with being an important business centre that attracts people from all parts of the world. Besides this, it is the home of the Oktoberfest, the largest beer party in the Americas.
Travel to the Brazil