Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speaker I

Prof. Wenny Rahayu
La Trobe University, Australia
Title: Fueling the Data Engine to boost the power of Analytics
Data analytics is often considered in isolation. The attractiveness of the problems that need to be solved, the sophistication of the solutions, and the usefulness of the results are certainly the significant strengths of work on data analytics. However, the input data is often too simplistic, or at least the assumption that the data is already readily prepared for data analytics often neglects the fact that preparing such an input data is in many cases, if not all, actually the major work in the data lifecycle. The pipeline from the operational databases that keep the transactions and raw data to the input data for data analytics is very long; it often occupies as much as 80% (or sometimes even more) of the entire lifecycle. Therefore, we need to put much effort to this preparation and transformation work in order to value the work and the results produced by data analytics algorithms. Having the correct input data for the data analytics algorithms, or in fact for any algorithms and processes, is critical, as the famous quote "garbage in garbage out" had said. Even when the original data is correct, but when it is presented inaccurately to a data analytics algorithm, it may consequently produce incorrect reasoning. This talk will present a systematic approach to build a data engine for effective analytics.
Prof. Wenny Rahayu is a Professor in Computer Science and currently the Dean of Computing, Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia. Before taking up this role, she was the Head of Computer Science and IT department. In the last 10 years, she has done substantial work in the area of database integration and optimization, knowledge discovery, and big data management. She has been a chief-investigator of three ARC (Australian Research Council) Linkage grants, Industry collaboration grant (Airservices and IPL Australia), the Australian Army (Army Research), the AAS (Australia Academy of Science), and collaborators in international grants (Open Geospatial Consortium, Japan JSPS, and Australia Indonesia AIGRP). So far she has published around 300 papers with more than 6000 citations on the above topics.
Keynote Speaker II

Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge
Jan Evangelista PurkynÄ› University, Czech Republic
Title: Impact of uncertainty analysis and feature selection on data science
Data science applications usually need a previous preprocessing stage for feature extraction and data validation. The data needs to be preprocessed and analyzed to minimize the dataset while preserving variance and patterns in order to find the optimal feature vector configuration. The feature selection algorithm allows finding the feature vector configuration to ensure minimal uncertainty in mapping the corresponding outputs and feature vectors. In data science, feature vector designs can be performed by different techniques and the validation can be performed by uncertainty analysis. These considerations are timely because wearable devices are increasingly being used on a large scale in different scientific fields. This talk will contribute to recommendations for the use of signals and data as a means of informing the impact of different uncertainty analysis and feature selection methods for data science applications. Using this new knowledge together with machine learning, data science applications can be evaluated with more confidence.
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge is an Assistant Professor/ Researcher in the Faculty of Science, Department of Informatics at Jan Evangelista PurkynÄ› University in Czech Republic. In the last 10 years he has done significant work in the area of data science and signal processing, pattern recognition, mechatronics, and artificial intelligence. He has been a chief-investigator of two Prodep (The Professor Improvement Program) linkage grants. In addition, he has participated as a collaborator in an SGS grant in the Czech Republic. Likewise, he has been awarded two Prodep linkage recognitions as a desirable profile for Full-Time University member by the Ministry of Public Education. In addition, he has been recognized as a member of the research group in Mechatronics by the Prodep (Ministry of Public Education) which is appointed as a Consolidated Academic Body. He has (co-) authored more than 50 book chapters, journal articles and international conference papers. Dr. Rodriguez has been Keynote speaker in national and international conferences, as well as he has presented numerous invited talks. Currently, his research papers are referenced by other research papers around the world.