In Conjunction with 16th CISIS-2022 Conference

Call for papers


The aim of this workshop is to present innovative researches, methods and techniques related to parallel programming techniques, hardware architectures and parallel software platforms for multi-core systems. The workshop seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.

  • Parallel Algorithms and Solvers
  • Scheduling, Load Balancing and Resource Allocations
  • Parallel Programming Models, Libraries and Frameworks
  • Message-Passing Programming
  • Thread-based Programming
  • Architectures, Networking and Memory Hierarchies
  • Performance Analysis, Simulation Models and Tools
  • Software Engineering , Design and Development for Parallel and Multi-core Systems
  • Multi-core Embedded Systems
  • Energy-aware Multi-core Systems
  • Java Technologies for Multicore Systems
  • Applications (High Performance,  eScience applications, Video Games, Aero-space, etc.) on Multi-core systems.