In Conjunction with 16th CISIS-2022 Conference


The need for increase in computational power has led to the multicore era. Multi-core processors are becoming all pervasive, nowadays the multicore processors are found not only in computers (servers, PCs and laptops) but also  in mobile and many other devices. The multi-core systems thus increase the computational power yet achieving this is not straightforward.  In order to take advantage of multi-core systems, it is necessary to fully exploit their parallel computing nature. Additionally, as the number of cores that can be packed into a chip is increasing, advanced parallel software approaches are needed to bridge the gap between the potential and real performance of multi-core systems and applications. 

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and developers from the fields of parallel computing, multi-core systems, and software engineering to contribute and discuss on the latest findings in parallel programming techniques, hardware architectures and parallel software platforms for multi-core systems.

The workshop seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.

Topics of Interest

  • Parallel Algorithms and Solvers
  • Scheduling, Load Balancing and Resource Allocations
  • Parallel Programming Models, Libraries and Frameworks
  • Message-Passing Programming
  • Thread-based Programming
  • Architectures, Networking and Memory Hierarchies
  • Performance Analysis, Simulation Models and Tools
  • Software Engineering , Design and Development for Parallel and Multi-core Systems
  • Multi-core Embedded Systems
  • Energy-aware Multi-core Systems
  • Java Technologies for Multicore Systems
  • Applications (High Performance,  eScience applications, Video Games, Aero-space, etc.) on Parallel and Multi-core systems.