Wenny Rahayu | Antonio Skarmeta
Dr. Wenny Rahayu
Associate Professor, La Trobe University, Australia
Data Integration and Visualisation in Temporal Spatial Decision Support Systems
With the development of global standards for data interchange in time critical domains such as air traffic control, transportation systems, and medical informatics, the general industry in these areas have started to move into a more data-centric operations and services. The main aim of the standards is to support integration and collaborative decision support systems that are operationally driven by the underlying data.
The problem that impedes rapid and correct decision-making is that information is often segregated in many different formats and domains, and integrating them has been recognised as one of the major problems. For example, in the aviation industry, weather data given to flight en-route has different formats and standards from those of the airport notification messages. The fact that messages are exchanged using different standards has been an inherent problem in data integration in many spatial temporal domains. The solution is to provide seamless data integration so that a sequence of information can be analysed 'on the fly'.
Our aim is to develop an integration method for data that comes from different domains that operationally need to interact together. We especially focus on those domains that have temporal and spatial characteristics as their main properties. For example, in a flight plan from Melbourne to Barcelona which comprises of multiple international airspace segments, a pilot can get an integrated view of the flight route with the weather forecast and airport notifications at each segment. This is only achievable if flight route, airport notifications, and weather forecast at each segment are integrated in a spatial temporal system.
In this talk, our recent efforts in large data integration, filtering, and visualisation will be presented. These integration efforts are often required to support real-time decision making processes in emergency situations, flight delays, and severe weather conditions. In particular, our work has been targeted for situations where current and predicted spatial-temporal data (moving objects and static objects) is an essential part of the decision making.
Biography of Wenny Rahayu:
Wenny Rahayu is currently the Head of Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering department at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia. She is also the Head of the Data Engineering and Knowledge Management research in the department. The main focus of her research is the integration and consolidation of heterogeneous data and systems to support a collaborative environment within a highly data-rich environment. To date, she has been the principle investigator or one of the chief investigators of 2 ARC (Australian Research Council) Industry Linkages, Large Industry collaboration grants, International grants (Japan JSPS and Australia Indonesia AIGRP), International Standard Bodies such as Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), VPAC (Victoria Partnership for Advanced Computing), and the AAS (Australia Academy of Science). In the last 10 years, she has published two authored books, three edited books and more than 100 research papers in international journals and proceedings. She has supervised to completion 10 PhDs, around 30 Honours, and 10 Masters students in semantic web and data integration areas.
Prof. Antonio Skarmeta
Professor, University of Murcia, Spain
The impact of Internet of Things in Big Data approach and Future Internet
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The evolution of the Internet towards the Future Internet, with the Internet of Things (IoT) as one of the main drivers, is defining an extension from the initial Internet. This Intranet of Things is being extended to smart things with a higher scalability, pervasiveness, and integration into the Internet Core. The ongoing and future work aims to create an extended Internet of Things. This requires both an architecture and products that allow for the extension of the Internet technologies, in order to reach a homogeneous integration of the Future Internet, Services, People, and Things with the Future Internet of Things, Services and People.
This drives to integrate everything into the Internet Core is motivated by the market wish to have all processes remotely accessible, together with an understanding that re-engineering an infrastructure to allow this for each application would be prohibitively costly and time-consuming. Moreover, the current evolution from uniform mass markets, to personalized ones, where the customization and user-specified adaptation is a requirement, makes the sort of uniform infrastructure found in Internet, imperative. This allows many components to be re-used, and services to be shared, with correspondingly huge economies of scale and shortened completion times.
The Internet of Things (IoT) fills the gap between the needs arising from the evolution of the market, information, users, and things, by moving all of them to a common framework, the Internet, and at the same time give possibility to new challenges as the amount of additional information that can be generated and use. This Big Data challenge will have also impact on the use of IoT in new areas like Smart Cities, Transportation and several others what will affect the Future Internet ecosystem globally.
In this talk, recent efforts in the integration of IPv6 into the IoT, with emphasis on legacy system support and the coexistence strategy for the management of heterogeneous technologies and architectures. These integration efforts will be presented over some environments and instantiation that are devoted for support Smart Cities scenarios like efficient energy management, or intelligent transport systems and the use of the data gathering capabilities over new decision support system based on the IoT integration.
Biography of Antonio Skarmeta:
Antonio Skarmeta is the Head of Research Group on Telematics and Intelligent System within the Department of Communications and Information Engineering at University of Murcia Spain. The main focus of his research is in security in network infrastructure and the integration of sensors systems in e-health, smart cities and home environment. He has been the coordinator of EU research projects on Internet of Things and Research Excellence Centre being developed with University of Murcia. He has active international collaboration with Korea, Japan and EU in the area of Internet of Things and has participated in several EU projects within FP5 to FP7 in the IPv6 fields with strong expertise in security and mobility in IPv6. He is associated editor of several publications with especial mention to IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetic Part B and participate on standardization activities within different for a like EITF, ETSI and ISO. He has published more than 100 researchers papers in journal and has acted as supervisor of 19 PhD in the last 10 years and 30 Masters students in different Internet related areas.