Keynote Speaker
Elisa Bertino is professor of Computer Science at Purdue University and
serves as Research Director of the Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) and as Interim Director of
Cyber Center (Discovery Park). Previously she was a faculty member at
Department of Computer Science and Communication of the University of
Milan where she was the Department Head and Director of the DB&SEC
laboratory. She has been a visiting researcher at the IBM Research
Laboratory (now Almaden) in San Jose, at the Microelectronics and
Computer Technology Corporation, at Rutgers University, at Telcordia
Technologies. Her main research interests include security, privacy,
digital identity management systems, database systems, distributed
systems, multimedia systems. She serves, or has served, on the
editorial boards of several scientific journals, incuding IEEE Internet
Computing, IEEE Security & Privacy, ACM Transactions on Information and
System Security, ACM Transactions on Web, Acta Informatica, the Parallel
and Distributed Database Journal.
She is currently serving as chair of the ACM SIGSAC.
Elisa Bertino is a Fellow member of IEEE and a Fellow member of ACM. She
received the 2002 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award for
"For outstanding contributions to database systems and database security
and advanced data management systems" and the 2005 IEEE Computer Society
Tsutomu Kanai Award "For pioneering and innovative research
contributions to secure distributed systems".
Title: Location-aware Authentication and Authorization - Concepts and Issues
In the talk we first discuss motivations why taking into account
location information in authentication and access control is important.
We then survey current approaches to location-aware authentication with
focus on the Auth-SL system that supports context-based flexible
authentication policies. We then discuss location-aware access control
and present the GEO-RBAC system and the FENCE system that use location
for different purposes. Throughout the discussion, we will identify open
research directions.